Austin M. Cohen
Founding Partner + Attorney

Austin is a skilled civil litigator who is also trained in mediation. He leads the firm's family law practice and often represents clients where there are complex psychological and financial issues. He also practices employment and disability law, specializing in discrimination and failure-to-accommodate cases. Austin has represented clients in the Supreme Court of the United States (securing a 9-0 win in 2025), U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, and conducted numerous trials in state courts around Colorado, federal district court, and in arbitration settings. His unique legal insight flows from working on hundreds of cases alongside a judge in state trial court and a judge in a federal appeals court. Known for his empathy, tenacity, and creativity, Austin is deeply committed to achieving the best outcomes for his clients through strategic and compassionate representation during some of life’s most challenging moments.

Representing clients in divorce, child custody disputes, and post-divorce modifications, Austin learns about his client's goals and strategically approaches each case. He has demonstrated success in handling high-conflict parenting time and decision making issues including parental alienation dynamics, and complex financial issues including phantom income, tracing premarital assets, and the concepts of voluntarily unemployed or underemployed in the areas of child support and maintenance.  He understands the impact that litigation has on the family unit and makes himself available to clients during non-business hours. He represents clients across the state of Colorado including the counties of Denver, Boulder, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas. 

Austin’s employment, civil rights, and disability practices are rooted in discrimination claims involving race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age and disability. He has been practicing this area of law for nearly a decade, and has worked on several high-profile cases involving seven-figure settlements.

Austin’s competitive drive flows from his background playing team sports. In high school, he was a two-time ice-hockey state champion in Pennsylvania, and was also a team captain. While obtaining his undergraduate degree, he was on the men’s ice hockey team and was selected to the All-Star Team during his senior year (Div. II, American Collegiate Hockey Association). He was also a member of the university’s student government: Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. During law school, he was a coach and judge for high school and middle school mock trial competitions. 

Judicial Honors

  • Distinguished Service – Michigan Court of Claims and Ingham County Circuit Court, State Trial Court Judge, Rosemarie E. Aquilina

Awards & Recognitions

  • 2024-2025: Selected to Super Lawyers for Family Law in Colorado

  • 2019-2023 - Selected to Super Lawyers “Rising Stars” for Family Law in Colorado

  • 2021-2022 - Selected to The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 Under 40 Civil Plaintiff Trial Lawyers in Colorado

  • 2019 - Selected to "Top 10 Under 40" for Family Law in Colorado by National Academy of Family Law Attorneys

  • 2018-2019 - Selected to "10 Best" Family Law Attorneys list for Colorado by the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys

  • 2018-2019 - Selected to "Top 10" Family Law Attorneys list for Colorado by Attorney and Practice Magazine

  • 2014 - Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, “Case of the Year” in Jamal Hunter v. City & County of Denver - Attorney on team representing Mr. Hunter

  • 2013 - Second Place, International Law School Mediation Tournament, International Academy of Dispute Resolution

  • 2009 - All-Star Team Selection, Div. II American Collegiate Hockey Association; Captain and 2-Time High School State Champion - Ice Hockey

Community Involvement   

  • University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Mock Trial Competitions - Judge

  • University of Colorado Law School, Trial Advocacy Class - Guest Lecturer    

  •  Attorney for Amicus Curiae Colorado Trial Lawyers Association in Bd. of Cty. Commr. of Summit Cty. v. Rodgers, 355 P.3d 1253 (Colo. 2015)

  • Wish of a Lifetime: international non-profit fulfilling life-long wishes to our country's oldest generations - Pro Bono Counsel 

  • Denver Children’s Foundation: non-profit donating $1,000,000 + per year to at-risk youth - Member and Grant Review Committee 

  • Anti-Defamation League's Glass Leadership Institute - Sturm Fellow

Professional Activities  

  • Association of Family and Conciliation Courts - Member

  • Colorado Bar Association - Member

  • Denver Bar Association - Member

  • American Institute of Family Law Attorneys - Member

Notable or Published Civil Litigation Cases*

  • Supreme Court of the United States

    • Waetzig v. Halliburton, 604 U.S. __ (February 26, 2025) (9-0 win) (Reversed and remanded to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit)

  • Colorado Supreme Court

    • Bd. of Cty. Commissioners of Summit Cty. v. Rodgers, 355 P.3d 1253 (Colo. 2015) (Reversed and remanded to Colorado Court of Appeals)

  • United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

    • Waetzig v. Halliburton, 82 F.4th 918 (10th Cir. 2023) (matter of first impression creating circuit split)

    • Snyder v. Beam Technologies, Case No. 24-1136 (10th Cir. 2024) (Trade Secrets Litigation Appeal)

  • United States District Court for the District of Colorado

    • Gregory v. National Football League et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-01986-SKC-CYC (D. Colo. 2024) (Disability Discrimination)

    • Mullen v. South Denver Rehabilitation, et al., 18-cv-01552 (D. Colo. 2018) (Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Affordable Care Act; Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act; and Colorado common law, for outrageous conduct)

Notable Family Law Case Results*

  • Court granted directed verdict in favor of client during motion to restrict parenting time hearing

  • Successfully represented a client at a contested, multiple day, Permanent Orders trial resulting in the court dropping the Temporary Protection Order against the client, increasing the client’s parenting time, and denying the opposing parties’ request to relocate to another state

  • Reduced a client’s monthly maintenance/spousal support payment from $9,000 to $6,000, without filing a motion or court involvement, and attending mediation only

  • Successfully defended a client in trial who was accused of parental alienation and received a court order granting the client’s request for 100% of the overnights and sole decision making for the children

  • Traced a client’s premarital assets (separate property) dating back to the early 1980's, which were worth over $400,000, to remove the assets from distribution of the marital estate, and still negotiated a favorable pretrial settlement where the client received more of the marital estate than the opposing party, which exceeded $1,000,000 

  • Transferred an out-of-state court order to Colorado under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), attended a trial to modify parenting time and received a favorable court order granting all of the client’s requested modifications including substantial changes to the parenting time schedule

Bar Admissions

  • U.S. Supreme Court

  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

  • U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado

  • Colorado


  • Western Michigan University Cooley Law School: JD

  • University of Northern Colorado: BA in Political Science and minor in Legal Studies